BA25 Hydraulic, 24V

BA25 Hydraulic, 24V Angle Broom

Used for clearing parking lots, industrial plants, mill yards, airport runways, streets, driveways and lanes.



Ideal for clearing parking lots, industrial plants, mill yards, airport runways, streets, driveways and lanes.

Variable Sweeping Angle

Angles hydraulically or manually 30 degrees left or right; will also clean in straight position.

Unique Suspension

Unique suspension system eliminates the need for support wheels. Brush maintains constant ground pressure through a range of vertical motion from the initial setting.

Parking Supports

Parking supports provide stable and secure parking of the broom when not in use.

Re-designed Leveling Indicator

Leveling indicator allows operator to conveniently see the level of the broom from the cab during operation.

Protected Hydraulic Motors

Hydraulic motors are protected from dust and debris - yet easily accessible if needed.

Optional Water Sprinkler Kit

An optional water sprinkler kit is available which helps reduce the amount of airborne dust during sweeping operations.

Polypropylene and Wire Bristle Options

Cat® Angle Brooms come standard with a 50/50 mix of replaceable polypropylene and steel wire sections. Convoluted bristle sections can be converted to all wire or all poly for special applications.

Tool Mounted Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) Holder

Tool mounted and sealed from the elements, this holder includes all of the operation manuals and maintenance guides required for proper operation of the work tool.

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Additional information

العرض الإجمالي

2700 مم ( 106 بوصة )

قطر الفرشاة

700 مم ( 27.6 بوصة )

المكونات الهيدروليكية المطلوبة

التدفق القياسي


1535 مم ( 60.4 بوصة )


440 كجم ( 970 رطل )

التدفق الهيدروليكي المثالي

40-150 لتر/دقيقة (11-40 جالونًا في الدقيقة)

الضغط الهيدروليكي المثالي

150-260 رطل (2176-3771 رطل لكل بوصة مربعة)

سرعة الفرشاة عند أقصى تدفق

385 دورة في الدقيقة

طريقة الدفع

التشغيل المباشر

نوع الوصلة البينية

يتطلب مجموعة خطاف

عرض الكنس

2500 مم ( 98.4 بوصة )


1300 مم ( 51.2 بوصة )

إزاحة الموتور

195 سم³/دورة ( 11.9 بوصة³/دورة )

عرض الكنس - بزاوية (± 30 درجة)

2200 مم ( 86.6 بوصة )

العرض الإجمالي - بزاوية (± 30 درجة)

2400 مم ( 94.5 بوصة )

نوع الجهد

24 فولت

Offering Type

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