1827 mm (72 in)

1827 mm (72 in) Log & Lumber Fork Carriage

With several sizes and options available, log and lumber fork carriages provide the tools you need for your particular job.


Cat® Log & Lumber Fork Carriages are used to load, unload, move deck, sort and feed the mill. Their flat fork tines and raised guards are designed specifically for use in handling both unfinished logs and stacked lumber.

Risers / Log Guards

Risers and Log guards prevent logs from rolling back on to linkages. Maximizes the ability to fill the fork at every pass by supporting large loads.

Wider Carriages

Wider carriages increase stability when handling longer poles/loads.

Wider Tine Widths

Wider tine widths provide a larger surface area for stability when transporting larger materials.

Floating / Non-floating Tine Configuration

Easily interchange floating and non floating tine configurations by adding/removing a single bolt.

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نوع الوصلة البينية

قارنة التوصيل IT

مواصفات السنون

غير المتأرجحة، الطليقة


1504 مم ( 59.2 بوصة )


444 كجم ( 978.9 رطل )


1827 مم ( 71.9 بوصة )


445 مم ( 17.5 بوصة )

Offering Type

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