BR320 Brushcutter

Cat® Brushcutters are used to clear land and overgrowth.



Cat® Brushcutters are used for clearing overgrowth from highway medians, utility easements and for initial land clearing for housing, parks and recreational areas.

Blades and Blade Carriers

High strength blades deliver high cutting action, durability and also mulch overgrowth. Fully balanced blade carrier prevents unnecessary vibration. Tapered blade carrier allows cutter to ride up over stumps and rocks.

Long Life Motor and Gears

Long life motor deliver years of high-speed blade performance. Machined and heat-treated gears in sealed gearbox provide reliable, durable transfer of torque from motor to blade carrier.

Motor Protection Guard

Motor protection guard shields motor and gear box from debris. Removing a set of bolts allows this hinged guard to be moved away for easy access to motor and gearbox.

Galvanized Coil Chains

Galvanized coil chains (7.9 mm [5/16 in] proof) provide debris guarding in the front and rear areas to restrict flying debris and material.

Heavy-Duty Skids

Heavy-duty skids allow easy movement of the brushcutter through uneven terrain while maintaining stability of the work tool and machine.

Lift Restriction Chains

Lift restriction chains limit operating height of the brush cutter to reduce flying debris and blade damage.

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العرض الإجمالي

2025 مم ( 79.7 بوصة )

عرض القطع

1981 مم ( 78 بوصة )

أقصى قطر للقطع

76 مم ( 3 بوصة )

المكونات الهيدروليكية المطلوبة

XPS عالي التدفق

الطول الإجمالي

2346 مم ( 92.4 بوصة )

الارتفاع الإجمالي

542 مم ( 21.3 بوصة )


533 كجم ( 1175.1 رطل )

التدفق الهيدروليكي المثالي

100-130 لتر/دقيقة (26-34 جالونًا في الدقيقة)

الضغط الهيدروليكي المثالي

150-280 بار (2176-3340 رطل لكل بوصة مربعة)

سرعة الأطراف (تعتمد على التدفق)

4332-5631 متر في الدقيقة (14212-18475 قدم في الدقيقة)

إزاحة الموتور

196 سم³/دورة ( 12 بوصة³/دورة )

عزم دوران عمود التشغيل

297-554 نيوتن متر (219-409 رطل/قدم)

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