3516B with Dynamic Gas Blending

3516B Diesel Generator Set with Dynamic Gas Blending

Producing oil and gas is a complex task that requires specialized power generation equipment. Cat 3500 generator sets with Dynamic Gas Blending offer the lowest owning and operating cost by displacing diesel with low cost gas. They are specifically designed for the oilfield and combine decades of experience in diesel and gas engines with the latest electronics to ensure highest performance, optimum dual fuel operation, low emissions, and simplified operator interface.Cat generator sets are backed by the worldwide network of Cat dealers ready to support your operation with technical support, service, parts, and warranty.3516B generator set with dynamic gas blending kit. Ratings: 1600 ekW (2000 kVA) @ 50 Hz (1500 rpm).

Dynamic Gas Blending System

- Achieves up to 70% substitution while maintaining dieselperformance and safe engine operation- Closed loop control system enables maximumsubstitution over the widest load range in the industry- Maintains traditional diesel generator set power andtransient response performance- Accepts a wide range of gas quality and automaticallyadjusts to fuel quality changes, eliminating the need forfield calibration- EMCP 4.4 control panel features simplified rig integration,remote monitoring capabilities, and single point interfacefor the engine, generator, and Dynamic Gas Blendingfunctions- Leverages current hardware from G3516 product linewhile minimizing change to core diesel engine- Maintains existing diesel maintenance and overhaulintervals proven in oilfield applications

Engine Design

- Market-leading power density- Proven reliability and durability- Robust design prolongs life and lowers owning andoperating costs- Long overhaul life proven in oilfield applications- Core engine components designed for reconditioning andreuse at overhaul


- E-stop pushbutton on instrument panel- Air shutoff and explosion relief valves- Configurable alarm and shutdown features- Extra alarm switches available for customer-suppliedinputs- Flame arrestors

Ease of Installation and Packaging

EMCP 4.4 control panel uses standard communicationprotocols to integrate easily with rig monitoring equipmentto track engine health and substitution performance- Paralleling and load sharing capability- Fully integrated diesel and gas controls into single enginecontrol unit- Single point operation for generator set and Dynamic GasBlending system- Dynamic Gas Blending system automatically activateswhen gas supply is detected

Custom Packaging

For any petroleum application, trust Caterpillar to meet your project needs with custom factory generator sets and mechanical packages. Cat engines, generators, controls, radiators, and transmissions can be custom designed and matched in collaboration with our local dealers to create unique solutions. Custom packages are globally supported and are covered by a one year warranty after startup.

Product Support Offered Through the Global Cat Dealer Network

- More than 2,200 dealer outlets- Cat factory-trained dealer technicians service everyaspect of your Cat petroleum product- Worldwide parts availability, service, and warranty- Preventive maintenance agreements available for repairbefore-failure options- S•O•SSM program matches your oil and coolant samplesagainst Caterpillar set standards to determine:• Internal engine component condition• Presence of unwanted fluids• Presence of combustion by-products• Site-specific oil change interval

Over 80 Years of Engine Manufacturing Experience

Ownership of these manufacturing processes enablesCaterpillar to produce high quality, dependable products.

Web Site

For all your petroleum power requirements, visit www.catoilandgasinfo.com.

Documents & Brochures

Standard Equipment

Air Inlet System
  • Aftercooler core — corrosion resistant
  • Air cleaner — regular duty with soot filter
  • Service indicators
  • Flame arrestors
Control System
  • ISM (integrated sensor module) for combustion feedback sensors
  • Exhaust gas temperature sensors
Cooling System
  • Radiator cooled - land based
  • Outlet controlled thermostat and housing
  • Jacket water pump — gear-driven
  • Dual outlet
  • Aftercooler cooling pump (SCAC) — gear-driven centrifugal
Diesel Fuel System
  • Fuel filter
  • Fuel transfer pump
  • Flexible fuel lines
  • Fuel priming pump
  • Electronically controlled unit injectors
Exhaust System
  • Exhaust flexible fitting, adapter and flanges
  • Dual turbochargers with water-cooled bearings
Flywheel and Flywheel Housing
  • SAE No. 00
  • SAE standard rotation
Gaseous Fuel System
  • Low pressure regulator
  • Electronically actuated fuel control valve
  • Gaseous fuel heater
  • Electronically controlled gas shut-off valve
  • Gas induction nozzles
  • CSA certified gas electronic components
  • Analog gauges
  • EMCP 4.4 control panel
Lube System
  • Crankcase breather
  • Oil cooler
  • Oil filter
  • Shallow oil pan
  • Oil pan drain valve
Mounting System
  • Oilfield base
  • Heavy-duty land rig inner baseframe — three-point mountto oilfield base
Power Take-Offs
  • Accessory drive
Protection System
  • ADEM A4 ECU monitoring system provides engine protectionstrategies to protect against adverse operating conditions.Selected parameters are customer programmable.
Starting System
  • Air starting motor
  • Air silencer
  • Paint — Cat yellow
  • Vibration damper and guard
  • Lifting eyes
  • Lift and cable tow provisions

Additional information

مواصفات المحرك - أقصى معدل

1600 كيلووات كهربائي (2000 كيلوفولت أمبير)

مواصفات المحرك - أدنى معدل

1600 كيلووات كهربائي (2000 كيلوفولت أمبير)

مواصفات المحرك - الانبعاثات/إستراتيجية الوقود

غير معتمد

مواصفات المحرك - السحب

مزوَّد بشاحن توربيني ومزوَّد بمبرد لاحق

مواصفات المحرك - نوع المجمع


مواصفات المحرك - التجويف

170.0 مم ( 6.69 بوصة )

مواصفات المحرك - الشوط

190.0 مم ( 7.48 بوصة )

مواصفات المحرك - الإزاحة

69.0 l ( 4211.0 بوصة³ )

مواصفات المحرك - التحكم في المحرك والحماية


مواصفات المحرك - التحكم في مجموعة المولد

EMCP 4.4

مواصفات المحرك - المولد


مواصفات المحرك - نظام الوقود


مواصفات المحرك - التردد - السرعة

50 هرتز (1500 دورة في الدقيقة)

سعة السوائل - لاستهلاك

غاز طبيعي مضغوط (CNG)، غاز طبيعي مسال (LNG)، غاز الحقل، غاز طبيعي مع الديزل

سعة السوائل - نظام زيت التشحيم - إعادة التعبئة

405.0 l ( 107.0 جالون (أمريكي) )

سعة السوائل - نظام التبريد - المحرك

233.0 l ( 62.0 جالون (أمريكي) )

الأبعاد - الطول

6619.0 مم ( 260.6 بوصة )

الأبعاد - العرض

2397.0 مم ( 94.4 بوصة )

الأبعاد - الارتفاع

2528.0 مم ( 99.5 بوصة )

الأبعاد - الوزن

19000.0 كجم ( 41888.0 رطل )

Offering Type

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